Category: General
Widows Food For Life Project
WCCM partners are giving a gift to western Kenyan widows and their families that says they Care enough to share. These one time $160.00 gifts are meeting hunger needs and the crises they face. It is changing their future. They are beginning a new life, knowing that God has used caring people to supply for their desparate situation and now
» Read moreIreland Mission
August 6-13, 2007 This mission includes a two day Life-Giving Leaders Conference; youth ministry through drama, music, and speaking; evangelism; sight-seeing in London, Scotland, and Ireland; hands-on ministry center roof repair and repainting and more. See more information including pricing here.
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May 27-June 5, 2007 This mission includes evangelism and revival services; sightseeing in Accra; a visit to Wli Waterfalls (the tallest waterfall in West Africa); a visit to the “no man’s land” bordering Togo. The cost for this trip is $2,750.00. Credit cards are accepted with a minimal charge.
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The renowned giant, powerful and mighty Nile River begins in Uganda and flows north for more than 4,000 miles as it demonstrates its unstoppable current. Recently, there has been a mightier, swifter move of God that is forging across Uganda. God seemed to breathe a very special anointing upon International Evangelist Dr. W. C. Ratchford and he became an instrument
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