Daily Life Just Changed for These 4,800 People
On August 13, 2016, the Lord allowed WCCM to commission a brand new well servicing a community about 55 miles (90 km) from Nakuru, Kenya. “Henry’s Well” will provide water for a community of about 4,800 people and about 3,000 of their livestock. The well has a tap for people and two watering points for the cattle and goats who sustain this community. The nearest existing watering point was 9 km (5.5 mi) away—a trek the families in this community had to make each day.
WCCM wells are dug to benefit an entire community, and the landowner—most of the time a church—agrees to never charge for the water from the well. This method allows the love of Jesus to be shared with the community and gives us a chance to tell everyone who comes to fill their water containers about the free Living Water they also have access to.
- The commissioning of Henry’s Well.
- The community attends the commissioning and prepares to fill their containers.
- WCCM Director of Humanitarian Aid — Kenya Bishop Gilbert Adagala fills a water container with water from the well.
- A girl from the community plays in the water.
- In addition to the 4,800 people in the community that this well provides water for, their 3,000 heads of livestock will also be able to drink from the well.